A lot of people ask me "Vinh how much of your presentations are rehearsed versus improvised?"
My answer is always 100% rehearsed. This doesn't mean I don't leave room for improv, because yes there will be times where something goes wrong or I forget what I say, and that's where the skill of improv is required.
But if I were to improv everything, I won't be as effective in my communication, thus I'd be disrespecting the audience's time by not being clear and concise.
Plus when you rehearse well, you reduce your nerves, and you're less likely to forget what you'll say!
FREE 3 PART COURSE: https://gifts.vinhgiang.com/youtube
PODCAST: https://www.vinhandalishow.com/
ONLINE COURSE: https://stageacademy.mykajabi.com
IN-PERSON WORKSHOP: https://www.stageworkshop.live
VIRTUAL WORKSHOP: https://www.stageworkshop.live/virtual-masterclass
MORE ABOUT ME: https://www.vinhgiang.com
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