Woman Spots Great White Shark Next to Her & Reacts How Most People Would: Complete Surprise!

In this weeks' video I share another typical beach scene from Southern California. These are merely observations remember. Once again, a great white shark comes very close to surfers that have no idea it is there.  However, now there's a trend. People are now recognizing the drone signals a shark is nearby. Instead of avoiding the area, folks are now approaching the sharks by looking for the drone.

I'm NOT a marine biologist. As with all YouTube content, I encourage independent verification of facts via official scientific and trustworthy sources. I will strive to post citations for any information I discuss here whenever possible.  My goal is to use photography and drones to bring awareness to wildlife and the nature around us. I welcome collaborations with scientists to bring cinematic elements to the educational presentation. 

For all footage licensing inquiries please reach out directly to me via the contact form on my website. 

All music has been licensed for use.


Atlantic White Shark Conservancy

Shark Allies:

Marine Mammal Care

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