hi! i love you guys! let's spend a day together! we go to the mall, target, for a little drive... and we just hang!
subscribe!! https://www.youtube.com/c/brookemiccio?sub_confirmation=1
gals on the go live shows!! https://www.galsonthegopodcast.com/live-shows
aritzia items
grey pants https://www.aritzia.com/us/en/product/the-effortless-pant/77775520.html?gclid=Cj0KCQiAt66eBhCnARIsAKf3ZNHOD3uFYzbkIUs-KBM7cMEiP7giNSVjMmL-jdB4xga8QuCZxkjD2kQaAjWhEALw_wcB
cream pants https://www.aritzia.com/us/en/product/the-effortless-pant/77775520.html?dwvar_77775_color=15104
bodysuit https://www.aritzia.com/us/en/product/contour-squareneck-shortsleeve-bodysuit/98906.html?dwvar_98906_color=1565
isle of paradise tanning drops https://bit.ly/3ZR9hxo
brush cleaner https://bit.ly/3ZR9aBY
saie liquid highlight https://bit.ly/3iP268x
makeup by mario palette https://bit.ly/3R3gdnm
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookemiccio/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/brookemiccio
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/1268336502?si=Hvzh61OsRhGW9Qi_7BdpDw
check out my podcast - Gals on The Go!
podcast LIVE SHOWS + MERCH https://www.galsonthegopodcast.com/
BUSINESS CONTACT - [email protected]
amazon shop! (favorites/things im loving) - https://www.amazon.com/shop/brookemiccio
REVOLVE favorites (clothing favorites) - https://rvlv.me/HPyI6V
$$ off UBER RIDE: code kl0zq
$$ off UBER EATS: eats-kl0zq
$$ off LYFT RIDE: code BROOKE317616
Hi, I'm Brooke, a 25-year-old lifestyle vlogger in New York City! I make a ton of videos involving hauls, vlogs, advice, and much much more. Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out on any videos and also follow me on my social media such as Twitter and Instagram to stay even more connected with me! See you in my next video!
ftc disclaimer - not sponsored!!