Tiny kitten Alice finally was able to go! Plus, current status…

BREAKING MEWS: We have pee!!!

Check in with our new little family on our rescue livestream: https://TinyKittens.com/live

Darling little Alice spent her first 24 hours of life in an incubator, because it was the only way to save her life. She has a different blood type (type A) than her mama (type B), which put her at risk for a fatal condition called Neonatal Isoerythrolysis (NI). 

Even more concerning, she was also unable to urinate normally when she was born. In order to keep her alive long enough to give her urinary system a chance to develop, we had to manually express her tiny, fragile bladder every 4 hours. 

Thankfully, as of her 12pm bladder check, Alice finally was able to urinate with normal stimulation!! This was a HUGE, HUGE relief for us, because manually expressing a newborn bladder every 4 hours comes with a lot of risk.


Here's a summary of everything else going on:
- Mama Orinda expelled some tissue late last night that we believe was a 7th kitten, miscarried early in her pregnancy. We are monitoring VERY closely for signs of metritis (uterine infection). So far, she is not showing any concerning symptoms, but we are ready in case this changes. We are tentatively planning to do a peace-of-mind ultrasound tomorrow around noon to ease our minds about the state of her uterus. 

- We have been doing minimally invasive blanket changes in order to minimize her stress and allow her an easier recovery from her very difficult labor and delivery. Since we will have to towel and handle her for her ultrasound tomorrow, we will use that opportunity to completely clean and sanitize her nest, and provide clean blankets. Although we would love for her to have clean blankets immediately, she is continuing to have normal postpartum discharge, so clean blankets would not stay clean for long, PLUS we are still trying very hard to minimize disruption for her while she recovers. 

- All five kittens have had good weight gains, and we currently have no concerns - whew! The tiniest kitten, Waggy, is being supplemented with formula to help him catch up with his boisterous siblings. 

- We *really* appreciate the vast majority of you who have been incredibly supportive, understanding, and encouraging during this prolonged period of high anxiety. We know uncensored rescue reality can be difficult to watch, and truly appreciate you having our backs. Your love and support is so helpful to our mental health in times of extreme stress and exhaustion. 

- Orinda's preggo roommate, Scotia, is expected to give birth for the last time any time now, but she is not in pre-labor as far as we can tell.

#kittens #cuteanimals #rescuedismyfavoritebreed #adoptdontshop #animalrescue #live #birth #neonatalisoerythrolysis

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