This Wrestler Was Supposed To Be The Next Brock Lesnar In WWE 😳 #shorts

This Wrestler Was Supposed To Be The Next Brock Lesnar In WWE 😳 #shorts

This wrestler was supposed to be the next Brock Lesnar in WWE. Now at one point not too long ago, Parker Boudreaux was hyped up as the next generations Brock Lesnar, with Brock's former manager Paul Heyman even hyping up Parker prior to signing with WWE that Parker was basically going to be the next big thing in wrestling and to bookmark that tweet. However, while Parker definitely had the right look and presence, not to mention a striking resemblance to Brock Lesnar, there was something missing about Parker Boudreaux, and his WWE run wasn't all too successful, and he was later released from the company in April of last year, with it being reported at the time that WWE officials felt like Parker wasn't progressing in the ring to their liking. A lot of fans feel there will never truly be another Brock Lesnar, and perhaps Parker Boudreaux being hyped up so much and being declared the next Brock Lesnar before he even proved himself and made his debut was setting him up for failure because of such unachievable high expectations!

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This Wrestler Was Supposed To Be The Next Brock Lesnar In WWE 😳 #shorts

This Wrestler Was Supposed To Be The Next Brock Lesnar In WWE 😳 #shorts

This wrestler was supposed to be the next Brock Lesnar in WWE. Now at one point not too long ago, Parker Boudreaux was hyped up as the next generations Brock Lesnar, with Brock's former manager Paul Heyman even hyping up Parker prior to signing with WWE that Parker was basically going to be the next big thing in wrestling and to bookmark that tweet. However, while Parker definitely had the right look and presence, not to mention a striking resemblance to Brock Lesnar, there was something missing about Parker Boudreaux, and his WWE run wasn't all too successful, and he was later released from the company in April of last year, with it being reported at the time that WWE officials felt like Parker wasn't progressing in the ring to their liking. A lot of fans feel there will never truly be another Brock Lesnar, and perhaps Parker Boudreaux being hyped up so much and being declared the next Brock Lesnar before he even proved himself and made his debut was setting him up for failure because of such unachievable high expectations!

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