This is the WORLD’s smallest animal!

This is my Tardigrade Social Experiment - I painstakingly put 50 waterbears into a single drop of water - the goal - to watch how they interact. 

It's a little speculative - but after watching them for hours, I felt as if they did mingle - sort of. 

Previous studies suggest that they live a solitary life...
Hermann Baumann: Der Lebenslauf von Hypsibius (H.) convergens Urbanowicz (Tardigrada). Zoologischer Anzeiger 167 (1961) p. 362 - 381.

But this paper is from 1961 and so perhaps, with better technology, equipment and an understanding of the world around us, maybe this view might change... 

What do you think?! Let me know in the comments below!

More research pls. 

#shorts #microscope #waterbear #tardigrade #science #oneminmicro #microorganism #micro #small #cool #biology #chemistry #nature

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