Quirky little mood light teardown with schematic

This is quite a neat little light once you get used to its quirks.  That and the undocumented dusk sensor that makes it behave oddly until you realise that you have to set it up in a dark room!

Here's a summary of the operation:-
Single click increments through individual colours.  The light will fade out and then back in with the new colour.  Red, yellow, soft green, hard green, cyan, blue, magenta, ice-white and colour ramp cycle.
Double click enters intensity mode which ramps the intensity up and down.  Another double click locks that intensity.  Quite tricky to do!
A long press turns the unit on or off.

Note that the unit can sense its own light in a medium brightness room, or while you are holding it.  That can result in rogue ramping up and down as it repeatedly turns itself on and off, fading in and out as it does so.  It may also do it briefly as it approaches dusk or dawn and the ambient light level is on the edge of turning it on and off.

Once you have worked out the quirks it's quite a neat little light for adding a splash of colour to your room with a spare USB power supply.

An eBay search for LED car mood light should find these in amongst fixed colour versions.

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