Lucy is buried alive. “You’re gonna be dead long before I am.” – Lucy #lucychen #therookie #tvshow

Caleb intends to locks Lucy in a barrel and bury her alive. Lucy last words to him are: “You're gonna be dead long before I am.” And she was right. #lucychen #therookie #timbradford #bestscenes #tvshow #suspense #dod #tattoo #buried #copstvshow

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Lucy is buried alive. “You’re gonna be dead long before I am.” – Lucy #lucychen #therookie #tvshow

Caleb intends to locks Lucy in a barrel and bury her alive. Lucy last words to him are: “You're gonna be dead long before I am.” And she was right. #lucychen #therookie #timbradford #bestscenes #tvshow #suspense #dod #tattoo #buried #copstvshow

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