Kenobi: Trials Of The Master- Fanedit by PixelJoker95 Trailer #2

Hello fandom. It's been a while!

After a lengthy holiday break, I'm back with the new trailer for you!
You all waited long enough, so have a little treat.
And keep in mind, that's still only a fraction of what's to come!

I'm working on the film, every moment I can spare, but given that the quality is my only priority all I can ask from you is patience. Thank you for the support and the positivity so far!

From now you can also join the Discord server! There I will also post updates and we can communicate more frequently and discuss all the topics you're interested in.



This is a non-profit, transformative fan project. It was made as an experiment in VFX and editing, and will feature multiple breakdowns and tutorials with the goal of promoting creative thinking and filmmaking technology. I respect the original creators of the series and the series overall. Without it, this edit and, all the other fan-art wouldn't be possible.
This is not intended to fix, or belittle, or replace the original series in any way, but is supposed to be viewed as an alternative approach to the same story. 

Because this project is based on the protected IP and I'm doing it purely for fun in my free time, I am NOT taking any donations for it, neither am I receiving any benefits.

Music by John Williams

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