I’m Losing My Wife

P.O. Box 
Jenny or Kyle Appleford
7211 Haven Ave, Unit E-407
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701

My wife’s channel:

INSTAGRAM: jenny_appleford
FACEBOOK: Our Brave Jenny 

For business inquiries: [email protected] 

DIAGNOSIS of my Wife:
March 19th, 2021 Stage IIIA Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (Non-Smoking)

February 2022 Stage IV Non Small Cell Lung Cancer (spreading to Brain, and other parts of lung and lymph nodes)

Gene Mutation EGFR with Exon 20 Insertion

TREATMENTS: Received or currently Receiving
2021: 8 Rounds of Chemotherapy (Carboplatin and Paclitaxel) with 30 concurrent radiation treatments to chest and lung
Failed Immunotherapy directly after Chemo and Radiation (Durvalumab, 1 round)

2022: Chemotherapy
10 rounds of Chemotherapy (Carboplatin, Alimta, and Avastin) 
6 with Carboplatin, 4 without

Targeted Brain Radiation (Completed)

I am on a clinical trial for my specific gene mutation 

Our GoFundMe Link:

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