Giant Sulking Dog Hates Bath Time! He Does Everything He Can To Avoid It!!

Safe to say Phil is not a fan of the bath! Unfortunately though, because of his medical condition he needs to be bathed more regularly than a doug would like! This is over the years since his little buddy Amelia came along, as she got older he got braver! He's learned to accept washing now! We did recently discover he prefers to get in the shower however! 
We can't wash him outside with a hose, firstly the water is very cold and im pretty sure he would enjoy it less, secondly theres no space at our old house and nowhere to station him, we've done it every which way you can imagine, even outdoor bath tubs too! Phil just has to deal with bath time like a big kid! He's so funny though and I'm sure his sixth sense is atuned to bath water, he knows exatly when your getting him for a bath he can just tell even before he's in the house! It's so cute looking back and watching little Amelia grow with him though, her mannerisms and love for him.

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