Many owners want their animals to be better than they really are and begin to apply procedures to them that cause stress to the psyche of the animal. If you really need to cut your claws, then do it the wrong way, now there are many ways not to injure the animal. Love your cats and don't hurt them. I have a cat Sylvester, he reacts very calmly to everything, vaccinations, cutting of claws, a chip was implanted in him. But there are animals that are afraid of these procedures. What do you think? If you liked the video, like, subscribe and write a comment what do you think about this Gusto ng maraming may-ari na maging mas mahusay ang kanilang mga hayop kaysa sa tunay na mga ito at magsimulang maglapat ng mga pamamaraan sa kanila na nagdudulot ng stress sa pag-iisip ng hayop. Kung talagang kailangan mong putulin ang iyong mga kuko, pagkatapos ay gawin ito sa maling paraan, ngayon maraming mga paraan upang hindi masaktan ang hayop. Mahalin ang iyong mga pusa at huwag saktan ang mga ito. Mayroon akong isang pusa na si Sylvester, napakalmado siyang tumugon sa lahat, pagbabakuna, pagputol ng mga kuko, isang chip ang itinanim sa kanya. Ngunit may mga hayop na natatakot sa mga pamamaraang ito. Ano sa tingin mo? Kung nagustuhan mo ang video, i-like, mag-subscribe at magsulat ng komento kung ano ang iyong palagay tungkol dito Багато господарів хочуть, щоб їхні тварини були кращими, ніж є насправді і починають застосовувати до них процедури, які завдають психіці тваринного стресу. Якщо так треба стригти пазурі, то робіть це не так, зараз є багато способів не наносити травми тварині. Любіть своїх котиків і не робіть їм боляче. У мене є кіт Сільвестр, він дуже спокійно реагує на все, щеплення, обрізання пазурів, чіп йому вживляли. Але є тварини, котрі бояться цих процедур. А ви як думаєте? якщо сподобалося відео, став лайк, підпишись та напиши коментар, що ти думаєш з цього приводу Многие хозяева хотят чтобы их животные были лучше, чем есть на самом деле и начинают применять к ним процедуры, которые наносят психике животного стресс. Если уж так надо стричь когти, то делайте это не так, сейчас есть много способов не наносить травму животному. Любите своих котиков и не делайте им больно. У меня есть кот Сильвестр, он очень спокойно реагирует на все, прививки, обрезка когтей, чип ему вживляли. Но есть животные, которые боятся этих процедур. А вы как думаете? если понравилось видео, ставь лайк, подпишись и напиши комментарий, что ты думаешь по этому поводу Please support my son's channel @_lightmusic_
Buttercup had a terrible nap #buttercupstarbox #starboxdachshunds #dachshunds #doxie #wienerdog
Baby Goat Stands Up With Dog’s Help! | The Dodo
Everyone needs the perfect support system ❤️ @LittleBucketsFarmSanctuary To donate to Little Buckets Farm Sanctuary, click here: Follow along on Instagram:, YouTube:, Facebook: and their website:
Gharial | The Bizarre Looking Crocodilian
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The ASPCA NEEDS to punish this dangerous Dog owner! 😳😔
Jackal Stand Its Ground Against Cheetahs💪
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Buying a roller
Buying a 1987 Galion VR84 vibratory roller: 0:00 into and move home. 3:20 Roll shale 5:30 roll some bluestone pieces into pothole. 6:54 2 years later working on electrical problem. 10:00 rolling over lawn mowers 15:20 Bring in garage to fix stuff, Dumpster Dave did more on his channel 24:05 Rolling rock 26:33 Replace skid steer track 29:35 Put out more shale, driveway maintenance, and rolling it 32:30 Loading on Daves truck to move to mountain property 35:00 Unload and start moving up hill, then getting it stuck Getting it unstuck video: Coming soon
GOFUNDME LINK : Thank You Patreon Supporters! You guys make saving these reptiles possible!!! Please join the rescue family!!! If you would like to support reptile rescues! Products I Use: TIMERS: Digital Timer 2 pack Battery Backup UVB LIGHTING: MVB 100w MVB 160w CFL UVB DEEP Dome Fixture T5HU UVB Tube 24in SolarMeter UVB Tester Heat Emitters: 150w 100w 75w 50w 8.5in Wide Dome 5.5in Focus Dome Mini Emitters: 40w 25w Thermostat Laser Temp Gun Programmable Thermostat With Memory (to be used on timer) Humidity: Humidstat Top Filling Fogger Mist King Cage Mister Supplements And Emergency Care: Bee Pollen Zoo Med Reptivite With Vitamin A Rep-Cal Herptivite WithOUT Vitamin A Calcium Powder (Flukers) Repti-Aid Reptiles Over 250grams Repti-Aid Reptiles Under 250grams Fluker's Repta+Boost Tube Feeding 120pcs 1ML Syringe SHED HELP: Zoo Med Reptile Shed Aid 3pack Zilla Shed-Ease Reptile Bath
Wild Tawny Owls Adopt 6 Orphaned Owlets 🦉🦉 The Full Story of Bomber & Luna
Tawny owls Bomber and Luna warmed hearts around the world after adopting 6 orphaned owlets. This is their story. To support my channel and the wildlife rehabilitation and conservation work I do, please donate here: or join one of my supporter communities in exchange for behind the scenes content here: 00:00 Introducing Foster Owl Mum Luna 00:11 Owls Search for Place To Nest 00:42 Fight for Nest 01:31 Luna's Adoption Story 04:32 Luna Lays First Egg 08:38 Eggs Fail 08:39 Jackdaw Siege 09:03 Rescuing Two Tawny Owlets 09:44 Time to Place Owlets with Luna 11:51 Luna Welcomes Orphaned Owlets 13:32 Owlets Meet Foster Father 15:22 Jackdaw Trap 20:47 Luna Possessive of Chicks 24:00 Chicks' Get ID Rings 29:15 Chick's First Look Outside 30:31 Allopreening 32:25 Flying Lessons 37:24 More Tawny Orphans 43:07 Final Rescue 46:23 Helping Owls Feed All 6 Owlets SECURING A NEST The story begins in January as this tawny owl pair search for a suitable site to start a family. When they return to the nest they used last year, they have to fight barn owl Gylfie for it. But the battle is worth it since this nest is special to Luna, this is where she grew up as a fostered owl herself TAWNY OWL EGGS Luna goes on to lay three eggs, each exactly 64 hours apart. Look out for her owl partner Bomber's joyful reaction when he spots the first one. EGGS FAIL After 30 days of incubation, it became clear that Luna's eggs were not going to hatch. Later I shine a torch through them and see they were never viable. TIME TO ACT Just as a pair of jackdaws lay siege to the nest, blocking the tawny owl mum inside, I am called out to rescue two tawny owl chicks that have fallen from a straw stack. A SOLUTION The owls need a mum, and Luna needs babies - so I open the back of the nest to let Luna out and clear the sticks. Then I place the chicks inside in the hope that she will return. LUNA WELCOMES ORPHANS Hours later Luna flies back to the nest and spots the owlets. She rushes over and engulfs them, instantly wrapping them under her wings just as if they were her own. Later Bomber also gets to meet them and his reaction is equally touching. JACKDAWS RETURN But the threat from the jackdaws isn't over and soon they have trapped the tawny owl family inside. Luna is visibly distressed. Without my help, all three owls would surely die. PARENTS COMPETE Luna is so delighted to be a mum at last, she barely allows Bomber a moment with his chicks. She is so possessive over them she pushes him away whenever he arrives with food or tries to spend time with them. CHICKS GROW FAST But with all this love and attention the chicks grow up fast and it isn't long before they are taking their first peeks outside the nest and flapping their wings, ready to fly. ID RINGS Before they go, BTO licenced bird ringer Jean Thorpe of Ryedale Rehabilitation arrives to clip ID rings on their legs. These are individually numbered and help keep a track of owl populations across the country. FLYING LESSONS Luna takes on the role of teacher, encouraging the first chick, named Dusk by fans of the Livestream, to hop to a nearby branch before launching off into the trees. MORE FOSTER CHICKS But just as Bomber & Luna's work is done, three more tawny owl chicks are handed in. Luna instantly welcomes the first, but it takes the owl parents a few days to realise there are more. Then a third rescue arrives from Doncaster. We nickname him Donny and watch with delight as he too is accepted by the family. ALL 6 OWLETS FLY FREE As I watch all 6 owlets flit through the trees it's incredible to think back at their incredible journey. #tawnyowls #owls #robertefuller I am a British wildlife artist based in Thixendale, North Yorkshire, UK. I build ideal habitats to encourage wildlife into my garden and use nest cams to study their behaviour. These studies inform my paintings. I share the best of my video research on this channel for free. If you would like to support my work please consider a small donation here: Or of course you may like to purchase my artwork which you will find on my website: Many of the paintings are portraits of the creatures you watch here! © Robert E Fuller Copyright Disclaimer: Please feel free to share my videos but do not download any content without permission with the intent to re-upload. If you would like to license any content, please get in touch with me at: [email protected] Stay Connected! You can also follow me on these platforms: Visit my website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Hunting tv || deer | shorts
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