Black Pudding Scotch Egg 🥚 #shorts

Black Pudding Scotch Egg


- 5 large eggs
- 400g black pudding
- Salt to taste
- 100g panko bread crumbs
- 50g flour
- Brown sauce, to serve


1. Place 4 eggs into boiling water for 4.5 minutes and then plunge them into an ice bath to cool.
2. Once cooled, peel your eggs and leave them to dry.
3. Put your black pudding into a bowl and break it up with your hand.
4. Make a thin patty by placing a piece of baking paper onto the counter then 100g of the broken-up black pudding, then place another piece of paper on top and use a rolling pin to roll out until you have a smooth disk.
5. Place the egg in the centre and bring two of the sides together, making sure it covers the whole egg. Cut any excess off the ends. Using your hands, mould the black pudding around the egg using firm pressure.
6. Set up a breading station with flour, whisked egg and bread crumbs. Crumb all the eggs that are covered in black pudding.
7. Deep-fry at 160°c for 8-10 minutes or golden brown.
8. Enjoy with brown sauce on the side.

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