A bear found my GoPro and took a selfie

An unexpected update! Thanks to @KarenPuzzles for handling the GoPro ■ The Center: https://www.grizzlydiscoveryctr.org/ ■ Certified bear-resistant products: https://www.igbconline.org/programs/bear-resistant-products ■ The raw footage, public domain: https://archive.org/details/grizzly-bear-selfie or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oarf76MCrss — note that the rest of this video and my voiceover is not public domain!

Previously: If this survives for an hour, it passes the Bear Test. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn_O2li_jpk

Europe camera: Martin Bäbler
Yellowstone camera: Erik Resel at Backcountry Media https://backcountrymedia.com

I'm at https://tomscott.com
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and on Instagram as tomscottgo

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