Proven Fugitive Insists He’s Not the Right Guy #shorts

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This is Nicholas Rossi. Or Nicholas Alahverdian. Or Arthur Knight, depending on who you ask.  And you might have seen him in this viral clip from Dateline: “Knight: We were once a normal family but thanks to the media, our lives have been interrupted. And we’d like privacy and I would like to go back to being a normal husband.” 
“Interviewer: What do you say to someone who believes that you are Nicholas Alahverdian? Knight: I am not! Andrea, I am not Nicholas Alahveridan. I do not know how to make this clearer. Interviewer: What do you say to people who say these are crocodile tears, he’s putting on a show, this is all an act. Wife: Oh, no. No, that’s .. Knight: That’s a low blow, Andrea. That’s a right low blow.” So why is this guy crying on Dateline and why does he have a million names? Well, it starts back in 2017, when Nicholas Rossi of Rhode Island left the US…

Produced by: Cory Ray, Philip DeFranco
Edited by: James Girardier, Maxwell Enright, Julie Goldberg, Christian Meeks
Art Department: William Crespo
Writing/Research: Star Pralle, Philip DeFranco
#NicholasRossi #NBC #Dateline

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