Covid: Who Was Right?

After 3 years of Covid, what lessons can we learn? Did lockdowns work? What about closing schools? What countries did best?

****** YouTube age-restricted the original video I posted, which vastly reduces the number of people who will see it. I have decided to edit out the parts that may have caused the restriction: a clip showing Australian Police choking a woman for not wearing a mask, Chinese authorities dragging a man out of his home, and protestors clashing with police ******

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It turns out that America's lockdowns did NOT work. 

Even though the media praised New York governor Andrew Cuomo for an "amazing job,” accounting for age, his state ended up with more deaths than "irresponsible" Florida.

Meanwhile, some countries, like Australia, imposed brutal lockdowns. My producer crunched the numbers at and found that lockdowns DID save some lives. But they weren't worth it. The video above explains why.

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