Why Apple Regrets Building This Product

This is Apple's Biggest Regret.

The story starts in 2010. Steve's iPhones were climbing the ranks to become the second most popular smartphone. But at number one was Nokia. They've defended the number 1 spot for 10 years. Steve knew if he wanted Apple to win before he retires,

Steve had to bet big.

So he took out his wallet and dropped $200 million dollars to buy a voice assistant. That assistant became Siri. And at the time, Apple thought it was a major success. It was the first widely available voice assistant. Siri made you feel like Iron Man. So in 2011, iPhone took the number one spot.

But today, Apple has huge regrets.

Siri works by running voice commands against a list of keywords. So anytime engineers wanted to teach Siri a new skill, someone needed to update the list. And no one wanted to do that. So updates to Siri, were rare. The lack of innovation means that today, 

they are years behind the industry leader, so




[https://theconversation.com/nokia-had-the-worlds-best-smartphone-then-came-the-inferior-iphone-70958#:~:text=It first clung on to,focus moved away from Europe](https://theconversation.com/nokia-had-the-worlds-best-smartphone-then-came-the-inferior-iphone-70958#:~:text=It%20first%20clung%20on%20to,focus%20moved%20away%20from%20Europe).


[https://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/24/keys-to-a-successful-business-from-a-guy-who-sold-siri-to-steve-jobs.html#:~:text=[A]n acquisition was just,now exists on the iPhone](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/24/keys-to-a-successful-business-from-a-guy-who-sold-siri-to-steve-jobs.html#:~:text=%5BA%5Dn%20acquisition%20was%20just,now%20exists%20on%20the%20iPhone).

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