I'm heartbroken and pissed. After 25 years, Amazon has given the entire photography community the middle finger and decided to completely delete DPReview because it wasn't profitable enough. The forums, the challenges, the studio scene, the reviews, the news. All of it. Gone forever.

My heart goes out to the DPReview team. You will move on to bigger and better things, that I'm sure of, but you will be missed. You had integrity and bravery in an industry that really, really needs it.

One bit of good news: our friends Chris & Jordan are moving on to PetaPixel's new YouTube channel (starting in May). Subscribe to them here: 

In the comments, please give DPReview a bit of a eulogy. It meant a lot to me for almost my entire adult life. It helped me learn, connect with others in the community, and choose gear. You will be missed, DPReview.

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